Reasons Why Bananas Are Awesome For Your Health

The importance of eating healthy cannot be overestimated. Individuals need to follow a balanced and healthy diet in order to prevent countless health issues, including heart disease, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. Experts typically recommend eating whole grains as well as lots of fruits and vegetables. One of the fruits many individuals overlook when it comes to eating healthy is the banana.

Bananas are full of many vitamins and minerals, which can help individuals reduce their reliance on supplements. The only major interaction bananas have is with blood pressure medication. However, some of the health benefits of bananas can make it so individuals do not have to take these for a long time!

Boost Mood And Memory

Eating bananas regularly is a fantastic way to boost your mood and memory at the same time. Bananas contain tryptophan, which is very important in both preserving memory and boosting mood. It does this because the body uses tryptophan to make three essential nutrients and chemicals: niacin, serotonin, and melatonin. Serotonin is the brain chemical linked to keeping an individual's mood regulated. Experts have studied its role in improving symptoms of depression. It does help in significant ways, which is why many antidepressants look at serotonin.

However, tryptophan is not the only reason why bananas are beneficial for an individual's mood and memory. Bananas also reduce stress, which makes it much easier to retain information! Also, feeling relaxed rather than stressed is a tremendous positive impact on mood. Without stress and other distractions, individuals can focus much better, which is great for remembering events, details, and more.

Keep reading to learn more about how bananas are awesome for overall health now.

Manage Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious health issue for everyone who is dealing with it. This is why individuals have to manage their blood pressure at all times! The good news is that bananas are excellent for lowering an individual's blood pressure! They also reduce the risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.

Bananas manage blood pressure well because they are high in potassium. They are also very low in salt at the same time! Potassium is particularly powerful because the more an individual eats, the more salt they will lose when they pee! The less salt there is in the blood helps individuals lower their blood pressure very well! Potassium also reduces the tension in the blood vessel walls. This also lets blood pressure drop!

Get more information on how bananas are healthy now.

Increase Weight Loss

There is a big reason why weight loss is on the goals list for many individuals out there. It is hard to find anyone who does not want to lose even just a few pounds. An individual's eating habits are crucial when it comes to how easy or hard they will find losing weight. In other words, the healthier an individual eats, the easier it will be for them to lose weight. Of course, they also have to engage in physical activity to burn off the calories they are consuming!

Bananas are quite high in fiber, which helps individuals feel full faster and for a more extended period after eating. This means that individuals are not going to eat as much food. Not eating as much food means fewer calories! When individuals combine this with some physical activity, they are going to be able to lose weight quite easily! Individuals can eat bananas on their own, in a fruit salad, or even as a base for smoothies to make them thicker and more filling.

Read more about how bananas are healthy now.

Prevent Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are a huge concern for individuals who exercise regularly! There is some very good news on this front, however. Eating a banana before a workout is a very effective method of preventing muscle cramps from occurring. Bananas can do this because of the potassium they contain!

Potassium is an electrolyte! The body needs it to stay hydrated and to stop the muscles from cramping up. Thus, eating a banana at least half an hour to a full hour before working out is very helpful for stopping this! Of course, individuals should also drink some water when they are eating the banana to make sure they are hydrated when they start. After all, they are going to sweat during their workout!

Continue reading to uncover more health benefits of eating bananas now.

Relieve Itchy Skin

Bananas are delicious and healthy when individuals eat them, but so many forget about using all of their food. The vast majority of individuals throw away the peel of their banana once they have the banana itself in their hands. This is, however, a huge mistake! The banana peel is full of the vitamins and minerals that can significantly relieve many skin irritations, including itchiness. The peel is very moisturizing to the skin, which can take away dryness. Dry skin, as many individuals are aware, is a big reason for itchiness.

In addition to this, mosquito bites cause the skin to itch quite severely. Scratching the bites only makes them itch even worse than before! But rubbing some banana peel can dramatically reduce the itchiness and irritation from the mosquito bite. It may not take the bite away entirely, though by making it easier for individuals to tolerate, the bites will disappear faster.

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