Results for "Bipolar Disorder"

Overview Of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is a major mood disorder. Three percent of individuals in the United States have it. It involves extreme swings between high and low moods! These moods are called manic and depressive episodes. Each lasts from a couple of weeks to months at a time! Patients must have at least one case of mania to be diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder. Patients with bipolar 2 disorder deal with hypomania! This is low-grade mania. However, it is just as concerning!

Mood stabilizers are a significant treatment for bipolar disorder. Other medications include antidepressants and antipsychotics for bipolar disorder! Patients often need psychotherapy for bipolar disorder continuously. Many individuals want natural mood stabilizers. Meditation is one example! Of course, this starts with patients understanding their symptoms.

Extreme Mood Swings


Bipolar disorder patients experience extreme mood swings! However, these are not regular mood changes. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, states that the mood swings must last for certain periods. A depressive episode, for instance, must last at least two weeks. A manic episode only has to last for one week.

Mania is the extremely elevated portion of these mood swings. However, mania is not positive! These episodes involve wired energy, rapid talking and thinking, lack of attention, and a grandiose sense of self. Extreme mania often includes hallucinations and delusions. Patients often need to be hospitalized as well! Depressive episodes involve low mood, fatigue, lack of motivation, hopelessness, sleep issues, and apathy.

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Euphoria is a significant part of mania. This refers to a high mood. It often feels like intense joy and excitement! However, euphoria is so extreme that it is often debilitating. Patients feel as if they are on top of the world! This means that they deal with grandiose thoughts about themselves and have an exaggerated perception of their skills. It reaches delusional levels in many cases! Patients often display risky behavior and rapid, racing thoughts along with euphoria.

Examples include artists being overly excited about starting multiple projects, believing art will make them famous, and feeling heightened pride in their work. However, at the end of mania, they are left with unfinished projects with no meaning.

Continue reading about the warning signs of this disorder now.

Poor Decision-Making


Many patients experience poor decision-making. This is a major cause behind this condition's negative consequences! Unfortunately, not making smart decisions causes many complications throughout a patient's life. Poor decisions often result in risky behaviors! Examples include patients taking drugs and spending all of their money. Of course, depressive episodes also include poor decision-making skills. Drug use is included. However, other examples are not eating well, not exercising, and a lack of personal hygiene! Overall, patients cannot take care of their basic needs during a depressive episode most of the time.

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Depressed Mood


As mentioned, a major symptom of bipolar disorder is a depressed mood that lasts a minimum of two weeks. However, this is not always necessary to receive a diagnosis of bipolar 1 disorder. Of course, it is rare to get a diagnosis without one. The consequences of mania are often the trigger for the depressed mood. For instance, maxing out one's credit card often has lasting impacts. It often makes patients struggle financially, which is a major depression trigger.

Bipolar disorder patients experience more signs of depression beyond their mood. They also lack interest in regular activities, feel hopeless, and experience persistent low self-esteem! Depression often hits harder after mania. The result is a higher risk of suicide. Of course, patients can also deal with a mixed state. This means their depressed mood mixes with mania symptoms! The state is incredibly dangerous. Patients in one are at a seventy-one percent higher suicide risk!

Reveal more warning signs of this condition now.

Sleep Issues


Sleep issues are a persistent symptom of bipolar disorder. They exist regardless of the patient's current episode! Patients are more likely to experience insomnia during a manic episode. In fact, they often do not sleep at all! This is the result of their high energy, impulsive inspiration, and unstoppable thoughts. They will feel extremely energized even without sleep! Some individuals claim that mania feels like a constant source of caffeine.

Of course, when a manic episode ends, the lack of sleep catches up with patients. They will feel incredibly fatigued! Thus, most patients deal with sleeping too much and hypersomnia during a depressive episode. The latter refers to sleeping for long periods and not feeling refreshed afterward. Many patients with this condition also experience sleep disturbances. This is why healthy sleeping habits are a critical part of managing bipolar disorder!

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