Understanding The Symptoms Of Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition. It causes dry skin patches and small bumps on the skin. Thankfully, it is harmless for most patients! It starts because of a buildup of keratin plugging the hair follicles. This is a protein that protects the skin. It is not clear why keratin builds on the skin in excess. Many researchers believe it is connected to other skin conditions and genetic diseases.

There is no cure for keratosis pilaris. However, patients will find significant relief with keratosis pilaris treatments! Patients need to use the best skincare for keratosis pilaris. Many of them require medicated creams! Retinol cream for keratosis pilaris is particularly powerful, and KP laser treatment helps as well. Of course, there are many natural remedies for keratosis pilaris available!

Skin Bumps

Skin bumps are the most characteristic sign of keratosis pilaris. This condition rarely ever presents without the bumps! Without skin bumps, it is almost always simply dry skin. Young children get the skin bumps the most. However, the bumps do occur in adults. They do not commonly continue after individuals reach thirty years old!

Thankfully, the skin bumps are tiny and painless. They will commonly appear on the thighs, upper arms, buttocks, and cheeks. Skin bumps due to this condition often feel similar to sandpaper. They will occur on dry skin patches in tight clusters. In fact, the clusters are so tight that they look like goosebumps! Patients do not need treatment when their skin bumps do not cause symptoms. Dermatologists do, however, help patients whose skim bumps are causing them distress!

Continue reading to learn more about the symptoms of this condition now.

Rough And Dry Skin

Many patients with this condition have rough, dry skin along with their skin bumps. Remember, the patches of dry skin will often have bumps on them. This is what makes dry skin rough and feel like sandpaper! Dry skin occurs because of too much keratin building on the skin. Unfortunately, the cause of keratin buildup is not clear! It is, however, harmless!

Patients relieve dry skin by using a rich moisturizer daily. In fact, they should use the moisturizer several times in one day! The best moisturizers for keratosis pilaris include ones with glycerin, lanolin, or petroleum jelly in their ingredients. This is because these ingredients make sure moisture stays in the skin and does not evaporate!

Uncover more signs of this condition now.

Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is a rare symptom of keratosis pilaris. It is usually due to contact dermatitis or another rash! This condition is the result of individuals coming into contact with something that causes an allergic reaction. In fact, even individuals with no allergics react to substances when their skin is sensitive! This effect is pronounced when individuals have dry skin. Patients with keratosis pilaris are prone to reactions like this. Thus, individuals need to watch for flaking and peeling along with itching!

Patients need to take care of their skin, especially with a symptom such as this one. When they have keratosis pilaris, this means using gentle products without harsh ingredients. Of course, patients with prescriptions need to use them as directed! Individuals should ask their dermatologist for product recommendations when they have this condition.

Reveal more symptoms of this condition now.

Redness And Inflammation

Keratosis pilaris does not typically present with skin redness and inflammation. Instead, these symptoms are usually signs of other conditions! However, patients with this condition have sensitive skin. This makes them much more prone to skin inflammation and redness than individuals who do not have keratosis pilaris! They often experience increased flaking and dry skin in addition to these symptoms. When patients do experience redness and inflammation on their skin, they must see a dermatologist for treatment. The most common cause is that they had contact with an irritating substance or material.

Discover more details on the warning signs of this condition now.

Skin Flares In Dry And Cold Climates

Patients with this condition have skin flares in dry and cold climates. In other words, their symptoms worsen in these conditions! Many patients have more skin bumps. Their skin gets drier as well! The patches of dry skin spread when it is cold outside too. Additionally, though patients with this condition do not often have skin irritation, they are more prone to it in dry and cold climates.

Thankfully, patients can easily fix their environment to combat these skin flares! Using a humidifier puts moisture back into the air. This stops the skin from drying out as fast! Patients should also keep their home heated. In fact, some humidifiers perform both functions!

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