Understanding Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a common topical medication! Over-the-counter options for it include gels, lotions, and cleansers. These products have up to ten percent benzoyl peroxide in them. However, the most common is five percent! Patients can have higher-strength products when their doctor writes them a prescription. Prescriptions often include an antibiotic, such as clindamycin. Another combination exists with adapalene! Dosages depend on the specific product a patient is using. Of course, patients need to follow their doctor's directions. Patients must call their doctor for persistent or worsening side effects.

A common treatment for acne is a clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide topical gel. This is a prescription option. However, there are many over-the-counter acne treatments with benzoyl peroxide in them. They are quite effective! Of course, patients must understand how this medication works first. This ensures that they use the best benzoyl peroxide product for their condition!

How It Works

Benzoyl peroxide works by killing certain bacteria on the skin. Specifically, it gets rid of Cutibacterium acnes! This is a major trigger for acne. The skin absorbs this medication when it is applied. As this happens, it converts into benzoic acid! Patients absorb up to five percent of this and excrete it through their kidneys as urine. The other ninety-five percent is metabolized by cysteine in the skin! The result is the oxidization of bacteria proteins.

This medication also reduces lipids, free fatty acids, and P. acnes in the skin. It stimulates the ingrowth of the epithelium and granulation tissue growth as well!

Reveal the uses for this medication ingredient next.


Benzoyl peroxide is a common acne treatment. It appears in many over-the-counter spot treatments and cleansers! These products are designed to treat mild acne. Of course, benzoyl peroxide is also used in prescription products. These handle severe cases of acne! Most of the time, the prescriptions combine benzoyl peroxide with other medications. Two examples are antibiotics and retinoids! Patients will see the number and frequency of their breakouts reduce. However, it will take up to ten weeks of using this ingredient regularly for the benefits to appear!

Of course, there are 'off-label' uses as well. This medication works on some forms of rosacea, folliculitis, and pitted keratolysis, among others. It also treats perforating diseases! In all cases, patients must review the benefits and risks with their doctor first. This is vital, especially when they have underlying conditions or use other medications. Patients need to talk about why this medication is being used 'off-label' instead of other treatments.

Keep reading to learn about the side effects next.

Side Effects

Benzoyl peroxide has several side effects. Common ones include dry skin, skin that turns red, or flaky skin. Some patients deal with peeling skin as well! Another side effect is rough patches of skin. Side effects are the most common in the first few weeks of treatment with benzoyl peroxide. It is worth noting that benzoyl peroxide causes dry skin more often than many other medications for acne! Higher percentages increase this risk.

Many patients deal with some itching, redness, and burning immediately when they apply this medication. This usually disappears in a few minutes! Patients must call their doctor right away for some side effects, including blisters, severe redness, and significant skin irritation. They also need to call if they experience an allergic reaction. Warning signs are breathing problems, tongue or lip swelling, and hives. Thankfully, these reactions are rare!

Get information on the precautions for this medication next.


Dermatologists recommend starting treatment with benzoyl peroxide gradually. This helps reduce skin irritation! At first, patients need to apply their chosen product every other day. This frequency must last for one to two weeks! Applying moisturizer more often helps their skin adjust as well. Patients also have the option of applying moisturizer before their benzoyl peroxide treatment. This is called buffering!

Patients must wear sunscreen daily when they are using benzoyl peroxide. The reason is that it increases their sun sensitivity! Patients also need to be careful with their clothes. Benzoyl peroxide stains fabric! It is also vital for individuals to wash their hands after applying their treatment. They have to use soap and water for this!

Continue reading to reveal the medication interactions next.

Medication Interactions

Patients need to review their medications with their doctor before adding benzoyl peroxide. Of course, this includes prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements! Their doctor will determine the best combination for their needs. They will also avoid interactions this way! Benzoyl peroxide typically triggers interactions with topical medications. Examples include tretinoin, dapsone, trifarotene, and adapalene! Evidence shows that it also interacts with isotretinoin. This oral medication is a treatment for severe acne.

Certain interactions are unsafe! This means that patients cannot use both. Other instances increase the risk of side effects. Thus, patients must make adjustments! Sample adjustments include different doses and using the medications at different times of the day.

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