Whole30 Diet Guide: Foods To Avoid

The Whole30 diet is based around only eating unprocessed foods for thirty days. Individuals on this diet will be eating lots of healthy fats, eggs, meat, vegetables, and fruit! They do not, however, eat processed foods and those that can cause allergic reactions. Individuals on this diet do not have to count calories or weigh themselves!

Thanks to the foods that this diet eliminates, many individuals experience significant weight loss. It is thanks to the metabolism-boosting properties. Thus, they do not rely on weight loss medications! The Whole30 diet also acts as a natural remedy for food allergies. A cheap Whole30 meal plan is often recommended to help individuals transition onto this diet. Whole30 frozen foods can help as well!

Dairy Products

Dairy products often cause inflammation in the body. The inflammation typically appears as bloating! Some individuals may also experience fatigue or sinus infections if they are especially sensitive to dairy. Certain individuals may see flares in inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema and acne. Thus, the Whole30 diet eliminates all dairy products! This includes all traditional types of milk, such as goat, sheep, and cow milk. Individuals should not consume kefir, sour cream, cheese, or yogurt during this time as well!

Thankfully, it is easy to adapt to a diet without dairy! Milk alternatives are fantastic as long as they do not contain soy or carrageenan. Of course, individuals should consume products that are fortified with calcium. Dairy is a significant source of calcium, so they need to compensate! Sardines and collard greens are also amazing sources of calcium. If individuals were already taking a calcium supplement, they should continue this on the Whole30 diet. However, they should talk to a doctor to see if they need to adjust their dose!

Continue reading to learn about more foods to avoid on the Whole30 diet now.


Individuals cannot consume any grains on the Whole30 diet. This includes oats, rice, rye, corn, barley, and wheat! Even quinoa is not permitted! Other grain-based additives, such as cornstarch, are also included in this elimination. Individuals can expect less bloating and increased energy when they eliminate grains! Many of them also feel much happier!

Processed foods are a major source of grains for most individuals. Thus, taking these products out is a significant part of what makes the Whole30 diet effective for weight loss! Individuals must pay attention when they are reading labels. Many foods can contain hidden grains! It helps if they shift their focus and build meals around vegetables. Potatoes are acceptable instead of rice!

Reveal more foods to avoid on the Whole30 diet now!


The majority of legumes are not allowed on the Whole30 diet. Thus, individuals cannot eat beans, peanuts, tofu, soy, miso, and tempeh! The reason for this is that they contain compounds of additives that increase inflammation. This may result in leaky gut syndrome! Additionally, legumes contain protease inhibitors, which can trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals. They also contribute to chronic inflammation! Sometimes legumes contain phytoestrogens, which may result in the body making too much estrogen! When this happens, individuals could have a hormonal imbalance in their body. This is not healthy! Furthermore, the carbohydrates in legumes can result in stalled weight loss.

The great news is that the Whole30 diet eliminates the legumes that can cause these results! Although eliminating legumes may be hard, cooking at home makes it much easier for individuals to handle. They can also feel relieved, since green beans and peas are allowed on the Whole30 diet. Thus, they can eat sugar snap peas, split peas, green beans, snow peas, and green peas!

Learn about the next food to avoid on the Whole30 diet now!

Added Sugar

Sugar is delicious! However, added sugar has been linked to various health issues. This includes heart disease, obesity, and even cancer. Added sugar increases an individual's blood pressure and insulin. Their triglycerides may also rise! In addition, individuals may deal with energy crashes and feel tired shortly after consuming sugar. Anxiety can increase as well! However, the Whole30 diet can fix this, and individuals will feel much better!

Once individuals take added sugar out of their diet, they will feel energized. Their ability to focus on tasks will increase dramatically! Individuals should read labels on foods carefully to spot sugar in foods. Any amount of sugar is not acceptable on the Whole30 diet! Of course, fruit and real fruit juice without added sugar are allowed. Recipes that use fruit juice as a sweetener are acceptable. Individuals on the Whole30 diet, however, cannot have sugar alternatives. This includes honey, agave, coconut sugar, stevia, and maple syrup, among others. Coconut aminos with coconut syrup or coconut nectar are just fine!

Learn more about what to avoid on the Whole30 diet now.

MSG and Sulfites

Many food allergies are the result of MSG and sulfites! These two substances are found in many foods. MSG is an incredibly common flavor enhancer, particularly in Chinese food! However, individuals who consume it may encounter hives, headaches, weakness, and dizziness! Some evidence indicates that individuals who eat it regularly may be at a higher risk of chronic inflammation, diabetes, and obesity!

Sulfites help increase the shelf life of many products. They also prevent discoloration! However, many individuals are sensitive to sulfites. Allergic reactions to this substance can include vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and even issues breathing! This is precisely why foods that contain these substances are not allowed on the Whole30 diet. They are not clean ingredients! Individuals will see dramatic results when they stop consuming foods that contain these substances.

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