Overview Of Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Magnesium is a vital mineral! The body needs it for many enzyme reactions. Magnesium regulates blood pressure, provides immune support, and helps nerve and muscle function. The bones contain fifty to sixty percent of the body's magnesium, and the rest is found in the soft tissues, muscles, and body fluids! This mineral protects the heart and reduces harmful arrhythmias. It also helps with blood sugar control and the metabolism of insulin. Research shows a link between low magnesium to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes!

Treatment for a magnesium deficiency is essential. Thankfully, natural remedies for magnesium deficiencies are effective for mild cases! The most common option is a magnesium-rich diet. Of course, oral magnesium is a common treatment too. Most patients get magnesium tablets! Intravenous magnesium is crucial for a severe deficiency. However, patients must know the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency first.



Fatigue is a general symptom, and anyone can experience it! Occasional fatigue is often considered normal. However, persistent fatigue is not. One of the conditions that persistent fatigue indicates is a magnesium deficiency. This condition is common. In fact, up to seventy-five percent of individuals do not get the best amount of magnesium from their diet! Ideally, adult men need 410 to 420 milligrams of magnesium daily. Adult women need 320 to 360 milligrams! Men need more of this mineral as they age, and women need less.

A lack of magnesium causes fatigue by making cell processes that produce energy less efficient. Another reason is related to the adrenal glands, which are above the kidneys. They produce the hormones needed for crucial body functions. A lack of magnesium often triggers adrenal insufficiency. This is what leads to a lack of energy!

Uncover more symptoms of a magnesium deficiency now.

Appetite Loss


Inadequate dietary magnesium is closely connected to appetite loss! One reason for this is chronic inflammation. This inflammation is systemic. It disrupts hunger mechanisms and appetite hormones. Another reason for appetite loss as a symptom of a magnesium deficiency is linked to the hypothalamus. This center in the brain needs magnesium to function properly! Patients also experience appetite loss because of an electrolyte imbalance involving magnesium and calcium. These are two key electrolytes that work together! Low magnesium causes a calcium drop. This has been linked to appetite loss.

Continue reading to learn more about the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency now.

Nausea And Vomiting


Nausea and vomiting have many causes. However, they are often reactions to waste buildup in the body or a reaction to an ingested substance. Nausea and vomiting are also the earliest signs of a magnesium deficiency! It is worth noting that the liver and kidneys both share a close link to levels of magnesium in the body. This is why kidney and liver disease both have nausea and vomiting as symptoms!

The kidneys are vital organs. They maintain the correct magnesium balance in an individual's body as well as filtering the blood of metabolic body waste! The liver, which also helps remove toxins, needs magnesium to work properly. If either of these organs does not work properly because of a lack of magnesium, nausea and vomiting will appear!

Learn more about the signs of a magnesium deficiency now.

Numbness And Tingling


Numbness and tingling are signs of nerve issues, and most patients deal with these sensations in their extremities! In many cases, nerve malfunction and damage comes from nerve compression. A nerve is compressed when individuals put prolonged or excess pressure on it. A major example is sciatica! This condition is the compression or irritation of the nerve in the lower back. Patients can also experience temporary numbness if they remain in one position for too long.

Individuals need enough magnesium for proper nerve function. This mineral also protects nerve cells from premature nerve cell death. It preserves their function! Unfortunately, numbness and tingling are common signs of a magnesium deficiency. These symptoms are far more likely for these patients, even if they do not put additional pressure on their nerves! It is also worth understanding that some neurological diseases have been linked to a magnesium deficiency.

Uncover another symptom of a magnesium deficiency now.

Muscle Cramps


Muscle cramps are a major sign of muscle malfunction. They happen due to a variety of issues, including certain medications, stress, dehydration, and excessive amounts of caffeine. Another significant cause of muscle cramps is a magnesium deficiency! The body needs both magnesium and calcium to work together. This is what promotes proper muscle function.

Calcium gets into the muscle cell and is responsible for stimulating the muscle to contract. Magnesium stops the muscle cell from becoming overstimulated! Thus, a lack of magnesium means calcium is not blocked enough, which triggers muscle cramps. Low magnesium also causes heart cramps in certain cases. This type of muscle cramp refers to an abnormal heart rhythm, since it is not contracting normally. A lack of magnesium also creates electrical impulses that cause heartbeat issues.

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