Guide To Lifestyle Advice For Treating Dyskinesia

Dyskinesia describes abnormal movements that patients cannot control! It is the result of the long-term use of a medication called levodopa. Parkinson's disease patients often take this medication to treat their condition! Thankfully, not everyone will experience dyskinesia when they take this medication. Many patients experience movements that resemble chorea or tics. They will be either fluid-like or rapid and jerking. Extreme instances of this condition also cause fatigue!

Dyskinesia treatment often starts with doctors lowering the dose of levodopa for Parkinson's disease patients. Many patients will also take medication for dyskinesia! Severe cases of this condition require other treatments. This includes deep brain stimulation for dyskinesia. Regardless, patients also benefit from many natural remedies for dyskinesia!

Practice Stress Management


Individuals with dyskinesia need to practice stress management! After all, stress makes their symptoms worse. One of the important elements of stress management is developing effective coping strategies! This will help individuals control how they react to stress. One great option is deep breathing! Spending time with loved ones is also amazing at relieving stress.

Another excellent method of practicing stress management is to follow a healthy diet! Patients are also successful when they read a book, listen to music, and get enough rest! Their focus needs to be on staying calm throughout the day. This keeps them stable and flexible!

Continue reading to learn about more lifestyle treatments for this condition now.

Exercise Often


Individuals with this condition dramatically improve their symptoms by exercising often. An exercise that increases their heart rate and makes them sweat is the best for this! Many physical activities are suitable. Examples include going for a walk or jog, swimming, and riding a bicycle. Yoga classes and dancing are also great options for regular exercise!

Overall, it does not matter what exercise individuals choose, as long as it keeps their heart rate up! However, how often they exercise does matter. Individuals need to have a regular schedule that they adhere to for this to be effective at treating dyskinesia. They also need to stay hydrated when they exercise often!

Discover more lifestyle tips for treating this condition now.

Adjust Diet


Diet has a significant influence on dyskinesia symptoms. Every patient needs to be aware of what they consume! Many individuals will need to adjust their diet to ensure that they are doing their best. Specifically, certain proteins decrease how much medication their body absorbs. These proteins include dairy products, beans, and certain meats! Of course, these proteins are vital parts of an individual's diet. Thus, patients need to take their medication at least thirty minutes before eating these foods.

There are other good ways for individuals to adjust their diet for dyskinesia! They need to consume a significant amount of fiber and fruit. Patients with this condition need to avoid spicy food, smoked food, and greasy food! Bacon is not good for patients either. Certain vegetables, such as garlic and onions, irritate the stomach. Individuals with this condition need to avoid those vegetables as well! High-cholesterol meals are not healthy for dyskinesia patients and must be avoided too.

Reveal additional lifestyle treatments for dyskinesia now.

Go To Physical Therapy


Dyskinesia patients need to go to physical therapy. It is one of the most effective methods of managing this condition! Physical therapy helps patients in many ways. First of all, it will improve their balance and coordination. It also reduces their need for opioids! Overall, patients will be much better at managing their symptoms. Many individuals can also avoid having surgery for their condition when they go to physical therapy regularly!

The patient's physical therapist will design a strengthening program specifically for their symptoms and needs! Patients need to go to their sessions and do the necessary work outside of these sessions. This allows patients to experience the most success! Individuals should get a physical therapist with experience in treating dyskinesia for the best results.

Get more information on managing this condition naturally now.

Get Sufficient Rest


Dyskinesia worsens when patients do not get sufficient rest. This is especially so when the cause of their condition is Parkinson's disease! Thus, patients need to ensure that they sleep for at least seven to eight hours every night. They also need to ensure that this is quality sleep! Quality sleep helps patients manage their symptoms effectively. They will also prevent flares this way!

Patients with this condition also need to avoid strenuous activities. They cannot overwork themselves! Avoiding straining activities improves their energy and prevents insomnia. It also prevents injuries! Getting sufficient rest is also amazing at reducing stress. Stress, as mentioned, makes symptoms of dyskinesia worse!

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