Overview Of Common Respiratory Illnesses

Respiratory illnesses are the most common conditions in the United States. Genetics, gender, and age influence a patient's risk of developing one of these illnesses! Other risk factors include being a healthcare worker, living in a highly polluted area, and working with toxic fumes. Working with these fumes without protective equipment increases the risk even more. Many respiratory illnesses are contagious. Thus, outbreaks are common!

Medicine for pneumonia is standard. Patients often take bronchitis medication as well, including acute bronchitis throat lozenges! Many patients try herbal remedies for the common cold. Another cold and flu treatment is pain and fever medication. Of course, patients need to know which illness they have to receive the best treatment!


The bronchial tubes are crucial parts of the lungs. They are responsible for moving air in and out! Unfortunately, bronchitis is incredibly common, and it impacts these tubes. Specifically, this condition involves the tubes' lining becoming inflamed. Many patients deal with acute cases of bronchitis. They will resolve in seven to ten days most of the time. However, the cough often lasts for several weeks! Chronic bronchitis, of course, means patients have regular episodes. Symptoms of bronchitis include mucus production, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, fever, chills, and chest discomfort. Mucus in this condition is clear, green, or gray-yellow!

Many patients have acute bronchitis due to a common cold. However, chronic cases are often the result of smoking because of the constant lung irritation and inflammation. Chronic bronchitis is also a major symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This condition is incredibly common among smokers!

Reveal more common illnesses that impact the respiratory system now.


Asthma is another common illness. This chronic condition causes a patient's airways to narrow and swell! Common signs include breathing problems, coughing, shortness of breath, and whistling sounds when breathing. When patients deal with an asthma attack, they often produce excess mucus! Thankfully, mild cases are easily treated. However, severe asthma impacts a patient's daily life. Patients need rescue inhalers or access to emergency medicine when they experience an asthma attack.

Unfortunately, asthma has no cure. Treatment focuses on controlling symptoms. This includes using an inhaler! Patients also need to adjust their treatment regularly. The reason is that asthma changes over time! Patients also need to know what type of asthma they have for effective treatment. Of course, exercise-induced asthma is triggered during exercise. Dry and cold air triggers it as well! Chemicals and other irritants cause flares of occupational asthma.

Continue reading to discover more common respiratory illnesses now.


Pneumonia is a lung infection. It triggers inflammation in the air sacs in one or both lungs! The infection will fill the air sacs with fluid or pus. Pneumonia has many causes, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Thankfully, this condition is mild for many patients. However, severe cases are dangerous! These typically affect seniors and individuals with a weak immune system. Individuals with mobility problems or respiratory issues are at a high risk of severe cases as well.

This condition has many symptoms, including fever, chills, a productive cough, and breathing issues. Others are fatigue, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Many patients also deal with chest pain when they breathe or cough! Individuals with weak immune systems and older patients experience confusion and lower body temperatures as well.

Uncover details on more common respiratory illnesses now.


Influenza, which is also known as the flu, is the result of a virus. However, it is not the same illness as the stomach flu! This illness affects the nose, lungs, and throat. Thankfully, most patients do not need treatment beyond rest for the flu. However, individuals in high-risk groups need treatment to avoid complications! High-risk patients include those who are obese, pregnant, older than sixty-five, younger than five, or have a weak immune system. Patients with chronic illnesses are also in this high-risk category. Women see more complications when they fall ill within two weeks of giving birth.

Thankfully, a vaccine for the flu exists. Experts create one every year to target the strain that will be the most common. Unfortunately, it is not always one hundred percent effective. Of course, it is an individual's best defense against the flu!

Read about another common respiratory illness now.

Common Cold

Of course, the respiratory illness that individuals contract the most is the common cold. This is a viral infection in the nose and throat. Hundreds of viruses cause the common cold. The good news is that most of these colds are harmless. They are only annoying and uncomfortable! Most individuals recover from a cold in seven to ten days. Children contract colds the most, especially when they are under six years old. Adults often get two to three colds every year.

Patients develop symptoms within three days of coming in contact with the virus. Common signs are congestion, sore throat, mild headache, sneezing, and a runny nose. Some patients develop a mild fever. They need medical help if their fever gets higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit. Doctors must evaluate persistent symptoms too!

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