Senior Home Care Services That Help With Independence And Living At Home
In-Home Health Care

In-home health care is beneficial for seniors who have recently returned home after being at a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation center. This type of care may also be appropriate for seniors who need to be closely monitored after medication changes. It is also great when seniors are experiencing an overall decline in their physical or cognitive function! In-home health care is quite effective when seniors are too frail to travel to clinic appointments safely.
Nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists can provide in-home health care. It all depends on the patient's needs! Nurses can check the patient's blood pressure and other vital signs, and administer injections and inhalation therapy. They help with dressing wounds, tube feeding, ventilation, and tracheostomy suctioning as well. In-home health care also means that seniors receive physical therapy if necessary! The professionals who provide in-home care will work closely with other members of the patient's medical team to adhere to the patient's treatment plan.
Continue reading to learn about more home care services that allow seniors to remain independent now.