Understanding The Causes Of Hypotension

Blood pressure measures how much force blood uses against the blood vessel walls. There are two numbers in each reading: systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom). The top number is taken as the heart beats. The bottom number is measured during the rest between beats. Hypotension occurs when a patient's systolic number is less than ninety or their diastolic number is less than sixty. Warning signs of this are blurry vision, nausea, and dizziness. Individuals should look out for fatigue, clammy skin, and fainting as well!

Low blood pressure pills are the most common hypotension treatment! There are, however, more low blood pressure treatments out there. It depends on the underlying cause of an individual's blood pressure issues. Some causes even allow for the use of natural remedies for hypotension! A supplement for low blood pressure works for some of these causes!



Dehydration puts individuals at a higher risk of hypotension! Of course, this means that individuals are not drinking enough water. Their body is using more water than individuals have been consuming! Excessive sweating triggers dehydration too. Other causes are vomiting, diarrhea, and increased urination. Individuals who are dehydrated will deal with extreme thirst, fatigue, and dizziness. Decreased urination and dark urine are also vital signs!

Dehydration leads to several issues. They include kidney failure, seizures, and urinary tract infections. Of course, lower blood pressure and reduced blood volume occur as well! Severe dehydration requires intravenous fluids. Mild cases are resolved by drinking more water and cooling the body down!

Get more information on what triggers low blood pressure now.

Low Blood Sugar


Low blood sugar and low blood pressure are closely linked! Symptoms will appear when an individual's glucose drops below seventy milligrams per deciliter. Mild signs include shaking, blurry vision, and hunger. Heart palpitations will also appear! Patients will feel weak and dizzy. They will likely look quite pale as well! The early stage is also when low blood pressure appears. This is when individuals need to drink some juice or take a glucose tablet. Otherwise, they'll face severe symptoms such as anxiety, tingling in the mouth, and issues with coordination. Irritability and other behavioral issues are also serious symptoms. Severely low blood sugar requires hospital treatment!

Learn more about the causes of hypotension now.



Individuals with a heart rate that is below sixty beats a minute are dealing with bradycardia! This means that their heart rate is quite slow. Athletes can have a slower heart rate. It is considered normal and safe! However, a slow heart rate can cause individuals issues. It will also often be linked to another medical condition! Symptoms of bradycardia include chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Fatigue and confusion are two other common symptoms. Of course, it could cause fainting. In many cases, this condition will result in low blood pressure. Major causes of this condition include sleep apnea, heart disease, and hypothyroidism!

Various tests help diagnose bradycardia. Patients will wear a Holter monitor to keep track of their heart's electrical activity. A tilt table test will be employed to see how their heart's activity changes. Exercise tests and electrocardiograms are also crucial diagnostic methods! Treatment options include adjusting the necessary medication and focusing on the underlying condition. Many patients will need a pacemaker to keep their heart rate steady and at the right pace!

Continue reading to discover additional causes of low blood pressure now.

Lack Of Nutrients


Another major cause of hypotension is a lack of nutrients! Specifically, a lack of folate, vitamin B12, or other B vitamins will lead to low blood pressure. In particular, vitamin B12 deficiencies lead to anemia! This condition means that patients cannot produce enough red blood cells. As a result, they will have less blood volume lower blood pressure. Spinach, peas, lentils, bananas, and broccoli are examples of rich sources of folate. This makes it easy to get the recommended four hundred micrograms a day!

Adults need at least 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 each day. However, this vitamin is harder to get! Primary sources are meat and other animal products. Thus, vegetarians and vegans must consider a vitamin B12 supplement! They will avoid a deficiency this way. Blood tests identify a lack of nutrients. Once identified, patients can take high dose supplements or injections.

Get more details on low blood pressure causes now.

Blood Loss


When individuals lose blood, their blood pressure will drop! Hypotension caused by blood loss is the result of an injury. The injury will stem from a fall, blunt trauma, or even a car accident! Nosebleeds would not be enough to result in significant blood pressure drops! Internal and external bleeding both trigger blood loss and hypotension. External bleeding is easy to detect. However, patients must know the signs of internal bleeding! Swelling and abdominal pain indicate bleeding in the spleen or liver. A loss of consciousness and seizures mean internal bleeding is in the brain! Patients with blood loss will experience dizziness and lightheadedness. Many of them will faint as well!

Blood loss will lead to shock in many cases. Symptoms of this include significantly low blood pressure, sweating, weakness, and lethargy. Patients will have a rapid heart rate. Feeling quite cold is also a common symptom. Shock requires hospital treatment! Intravenous fluids and blood transfusions treat low blood pressure due to blood loss and shock. Surgery to repair an injury, of course, is also helpful!

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