Senior Home Care Services That Help With Independence And Living At Home

Senior home care services offer personalized assistance for seniors living at home. Available services include companionship, assistance with cooking and grocery shopping, and in-home health monitoring. In-home physical and occupational therapy are also available. In-home care can provide seniors with more independence and allow them to remain living at home for longer!

Assistance for seniors living at home is vital. Many seniors want to remain independent but struggle with certain tasks. This is where home help for seniors is amazing! Personal home care assistance gives the patient and their family members peace of mind. Get familiar with the specific ways in which home assistance for elderly patients can boost their independence and keep them at home. You will want to search for agencies for elderly home care in no time!

Assistance With Cleaning And Maintenance

Senior home care aides can assist with cleaning and maintenance of the patient's home! For example, they may help seniors with washing dishes, doing laundry, changing sheets, and mopping floors. Aides can also help with cleaning food preparation areas in the kitchen and cleaning showers, sinks, and tubs in the bathroom.

Other cleaning and home maintenance tasks commonly performed by senior home care aides include taking out the garbage and recycling, changing lightbulbs, and replacing batteries in household appliances. The exact services that a senior home care aide performs will be negotiated between the aide and the patient. If the home care aide is unable to provide a particular service, they can often recommend someone!

Reveal more ways that home care helps seniors stay independent and at home now.

Access To Transportation

Many seniors are not able to drive! This is for many reasons, particularly mobility and vision. One of the major benefits of home care to stay independent for these seniors is access to transportation! Generally, aides offer their clients transportation to medical appointments, and most will drive their clients to grocery stores too. Some aides provide transportation to and from errands and visits with friends as well!

Most home care aides only provide transportation in the client's local area. However, some services are willing to assist long-term clients by providing transportation to and from other towns. In addition to the transportation provided by home care aides, some seniors are eligible for special transportation services provided by their county! Typically, these services are open to seniors with medical needs. They provide transportation to and from medical appointments.

Reveal information on more ways that home care allows seniors to remain in their homes now!

In-Home Health Care

In-home health care is beneficial for seniors who have recently returned home after being at a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation center. This type of care may also be appropriate for seniors who need to be closely monitored after medication changes. It is also great when seniors are experiencing an overall decline in their physical or cognitive function! In-home health care is quite effective when seniors are too frail to travel to clinic appointments safely.

Nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists can provide in-home health care. It all depends on the patient's needs! Nurses can check the patient's blood pressure and other vital signs, and administer injections and inhalation therapy. They help with dressing wounds, tube feeding, ventilation, and tracheostomy suctioning as well. In-home health care also means that seniors receive physical therapy if necessary! The professionals who provide in-home care will work closely with other members of the patient's medical team to adhere to the patient's treatment plan.

Continue reading to learn about more home care services that allow seniors to remain independent now.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is one of the most common tasks that home care aides perform for seniors. They can help patients make a grocery list and even do the shopping for them when needed! In other cases, they can accompany their patient to the store and assist them while there. Aides will also help seniors unpack groceries and store them properly. Generally, aides will go grocery shopping once a week. They will go more often if the patient is a long-term client or has a special request! For seniors on special diets, the home care aide may consult with their family or medical team to determine appropriate foods. If seniors have trouble eating, home care aides can assist with feeding. They will also help them prepare meals!

Uncover more aspects of home care that allow seniors to remain living in their homes now.

Home Modifications

Home modifications are often needed for seniors to stay in their own homes. Physical and occupational therapists often visit to determine the necessary modifications. Nurses can help here as well. This is common for seniors who are coming home after a hospital stay! Generally, these modifications will need to be completed before seniors return home. Those who assess the patient's home will provide information about contractors who can carry out the necessary changes. Many states have programs that provide financial assistance with medically necessary home modifications.

Examples of common modifications include building ramps for wheelchair access, widening doorways, and installing stairlifts or additional handrails. Due to mobility issues, many seniors benefit from a walk-in tub in the bathroom. The addition of non-slip flooring is helpful as well. It can be helpful to install extra lighting in the kitchen. An auto shut-off device is recommended for stoves and ovens! Pull-down shelves are useful for allowing easy access to items in kitchen cabinets.

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